Happy new year! We’ve got a lot planned for this year! Here’s what new this month:
Multiple Signers
Many requests to get this one finalized. You can now assign multiple contacts to sign a contract. You can now choose whether to show a single signature block or multiple. This gives you added flexibility in building your onboarding process:
Song Requests in Planning Form
We’ve added a new planning form field type. You can now take song requests **directly** within planning forms! This will make it easier for your clients to pick the perfect songs for their special moments.
Email Layouts for Notification Templates
Email layouts are global settings that allow you to have a consistent look-and-feel for your communications from Lumify. You can choose whether to enable or disable the email layout for each notification template and automation emails.
Other notable features:
- Resolved HTML formatting issues in PDF event worksheets
- Fixed validation errors for hidden contact and planning form fields
- Improved mobile experience
- Miscellaneous other optimizations and bug fixes